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Nov. 1, 2024

Listener Questions About Anxiety and Recovery (Episode 84)

Listener Questions About Anxiety and Recovery (Episode 84)

This week Josh and Drew are answering questions from Disordered listeners.

  • How to deal with the shame associated with anxiety and recovery when a partner or spouse isn't terribly supportive.
  • How do re-gain confidence in oneself?
  • What happens if you don't remember what non-anxious you was like?
  • What about flushing, feeling hot, and getting goosebumps when anxious?
  • I'm an introvert. What do I do when I want to go home to re-charge? Is that avoidance?
  • What about when you're facing possible medical issues and it triggers anxiety?
  • What about anxiety symptoms that are disruptive and I don't know how to manage them or stop them? What is that? If its a panic attack, how do I stop it?

As always, this episode includes some wins from the community, and healthy helpings of humor and compassion.


Disordered Roundtables are here. Think of it as "Disordered Live", a way for members of our audience to spend time with us in an intimate virtual setting (attendance is limited) to engage in real time sharing and discussion on specific anxiety disorder and recovery topics. To be notified when new Disordered Roundtable sessions are scheduled, ⁠⁠⁠⁠visit our homepage and get on our mailing list⁠⁠⁠⁠.


Struggling with worry and rumination that you feel you can't stop or control? Check out ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Worry and Rumination Explained⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, a two hour pre-recorded workshop produced by Josh and Drew. The workshop takes a deep dive into the mechanics of worrying and ruminating, offering some helpful ways to approach the seemingly unsolvable problem of trying to solve seemingly unsolveable problems.




Want to ask us questions, share your wins, or get more information about Josh, Drew, and the Disordered podcast?



Disordered Roundtable is coming! Think of it as "Disordered Live", a way for members of our audience to spend time with us in an intimate virtual setting (attendance is limited) to engage in real time sharing and discussion on specific anxiety disorder and recovery topics. To be notified when new Disordered Roundtable sessions are scheduled, sign up for our email list using the form on this page.

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