Drew and Josh,
I am someone who has searched for the cure to anxiety for years. I was diagnosed with every anxiety disorder at 6 years old and was told I would just “grow out of it,” which obviously was not the case. It wasn’t until my anxiety and panic turned into 24/7 DPDR and complete physical symptoms (functional neurological disorder) that I truly understood what it does to the body. I have felt, and sometimes still feel, hopeless and shameful and so so angry with the mind and body I have been given. But hearing you both say time and time again that I am not broken, that uncomfortableness is NOT dangerous, and that my body is doing what it is evolutionarily meant to do, has given me so much comfort. I still have all of my symptoms, FND being the worst of the byproducts, BUT, I know I am not alone. Thank you both for doing thing weekly. You save lives with your episodes.